The Ultimate Yacht Pursers Course

Sandra Jordaan is a career coach to many aspiring Pursers in the yachting industry; she found a need to create a theoretical and practical Yacht Purser Course that would ensure that first-time Pursers have the skills and experience they need to land their first Purser role. The most significant barrier to entry into the Purser role is that Captains do not want to ‘babysit’ new Pursers or employ someone who does not have the right skills to perform their duties to a high level.

The Purser is integral to the smooth operation of the vessel from both a logistical and operational aspect. Crew who have never held this position must understand the complexities of this challenging yet highly rewarding career. The assignments have been created to ensure that the course is not a long ‘to-do’ list but rather engages the student in a way that they would be on-board.

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The Ultimate Yacht Pursers Course IAMI GUEST Accredited

£3 399 (ex. GST)


In this 8 week course , we cover all the basics and more to fully prepare you to apply for a Purser role on board.